Information for Editors
IRJBSS is an academic open access publisher was initially founded in 2015 by holding MRDSB publishers. As a pioneer open access publisher, our mission is to make new research findings accessible to everyone. We are serving scholars from across the globe and from a variety of backgrounds. To deepen our understanding of the research communities that we serve, we aim to build journals that are just as diverse and inclusive. Only by valuing differences can we create an equitable and inclusive work environment and foster the openness that is key to our mission.
The daily exchange of ideas between the East and the West has been at the heart of IRJBSS’s progress from day one. We understand that diversity does not end there. More needs to be done to bridge the gap between the global North and South—and to create equal opportunities for people without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, country of origin, physical ability, or socio-economic status. There is no place for discrimination on the basis of any one of these characteristics.
Open Access
Open Access mean that readers can access published material for free, without paying a subscription charge. IRJBSS articles are freely available immediately after publication. This means that researchers, students, and interested lay people from anywhere in the world have rapid access to the latest research through IRJBSS journals.
We finance publication through article processing charges (APC), paid by authors and their institutions. APCs cover the cost of managing the peer review process, professional copy-editing, and promotion of published research IRJBSS has no other source of income. For authors, open access means a potentially wider circle of readers for their research papers, with some research suggesting that open access papers are more highly cited.
At IRJBSS, we believe that open access offers value for money for researchers—our income per article is substantially lower than established subscription publishers. We offer a good deal for funding bodies—outcomes can be widely circulated and no barrier for reading offers transparency to those footing the bill. We also offer transparency to tax payers, who indirectly fund a great deal of research—through open access they have the opportunity to see the results of their contributions.
Journals Published by IRJBSS
IRJBSS continuously launches new journals in response to academic developments, and to be able to serve additional research communities and their needs.
IRJBSS Editorial Offices
The in-house staff consists of Managing Editors, Assistant Editors, Production Editors, English Editors, Copyeditors, Data Specialists, Software Engineers and Administrative Specialists. Except for most English Editors, all are employed by IRJBSS and its subsidiaries and work at the IRJBSS offices. Our collaborating editors on our Editorial Boards are typically employed at academic institutions or corporate research facilities located all over the world. The contact with the in-house editorial staff is mainly by e-mail and telephone. The in-house editorial staff normally work for several journals related to their educational background. Assistant Editors process manuscripts through the peer-review and production procedures; Managing Editors have the editorial responsibility for the journals; Production Editors, English Editors, Copyeditors and Data Specialists are responsible for putting accepted content into a publishable format.
Editorial Process, Peer-Review and Production
Articles submitted to IRJBSS journals are subject to strict peer-reviewing. In most journals the process is single blind peer-review (the reviewers know the authors’ identities, but the authors do not know the reviewers’ identities). Some journals operate double blind peer-review (the reviewers do not know the authors’ identities until the paper has been published). The reviewers and external editors will not need to have an account with the IRJBSS submission system in order to finish the tasks assigned to them.
The Instructions for Authors on the website of each IRJBSS journal guides authors on how to prepare and submit their manuscripts. Once a manuscript is submitted, the submission is received by the in-house Managing Editor who will subsequently coordinate the whole editorial process for the manuscript: peer-review, decision-making, possible authors’ revision, manuscript acceptance, copyediting, English editing, proofreading and final publication. An in-house Assistant Editor will be assigned to the submitted article and will send review invitations.
At least two reports per manuscript are collected for each manuscript—three if the first two differ substantially. Reviewers must hold a PhD or equivalent, have not published with the authors in the previous five years, and have recent publications in the field of the submitted manuscript. The Editor-in-Chief, Guest Editor, or a suitable Editorial Board member can make the final acceptance or rejection decision for a manuscript, usually after author revision. We typically allow no more than two rounds of major revisions.
After acceptance of an article for publication, the in-house editorial staff will organize the production of the paper, which entails copyediting, English editing and final production in preparation for publication on the journal website. All journals are structured in yearly volumes and either monthly or quarterly issues. Nevertheless, articles are published online immediately after acceptance and production.
Editor-in-Chief Responsibilities
The Editor-in-Chief is the head of the journal, and is mainly responsible for the scientific quality of the journal. Unlike other Publishers, IRJBSS does not need the Editor-in-Chief to be actively involved in the editorial process, i.e., the IRJBSS editorial team will take care of the majority of contact with authors and reviewers. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for assisting the Editorial Office in the management of the journal, which entails:
- scientific decisions about the journal’s scope,
- inviting distinguished scientists to join the editorial board,
- suggesting topics for special issues,
- assisting the Guest Editors in the setup of special issues,
- overviewing the editorial process for individual manuscripts (mainly by taking the final decision whether a paper can be published after peer-review and revisions).
The Editor-in-Chief position is honorary. As a reward for the efforts, the Editor-in-Chief can publish one or two papers per year free of charge in any of IRJBSS’s open access journals. The initial term for the Editor-in-Chief position is two years and can be renewed.
Editorial Board Member Responsibilities
An Editorial Board member will be asked to review one or two manuscripts per year and may help to edit a special issue on a topic related to his or her research interests. Additionally, the Editorial Board members will be approached for input or feedback regarding new regulations relating to the journal from time to time. Editorial Board members are also encouraged to help to promote the journal among their peers or at conferences. The communication with Editorial Board members is done primarily by E-mail. An Editorial Board member may also step down from the position at any time if he or she feels overloaded by the requests from the journal’s Editorial Office.
Guest Editor Responsibility/Guest Editing a Special Issue
We appreciate collaborations with scholars all over the world. Special issues are normally edited by a Guest Editor who invites colleagues from the same research field to contribute an article on a topic within their expertise. The Guest Editor works together with the Editorial Office to prepare a description and keywords for the special issue webpage. We aim for at least ten articles published per special issue. Often, the Guest Editor will also write an editorial paper for the special issue. The Guest Editor usually makes decisions on the acceptance of manuscripts submitted to his or her special issue. Papers belonging to a special issue are published online in the journal immediately after acceptance and collected together on the special issue webpage. This means that there is no delay for authors who submit their work: it will appear shortly after acceptance, even if other papers in the special issue are still being processed.
Guest Editors should not hold conflicts of interest with authors whose work they are assessing, e.g., if they are from the same institution or collaborate closely. In this case the Editor-in-Chief or a suitable Editorial Board member will make final acceptance decisions for submitted papers.
Launching New Open Access Journals with IRJBSS
Publishing proposals, including transfer of existing journals, launch of new titles or conversion of subscription journals to Open Access, please contact New Journal Committee.
Comments and Questions
Please direct your general questions by E-mail to